Friday, January 15, 2010

Truss Day!

Truss day is finally here. Here we are holding the tallest truss. Glenn is holding the truss and I am holding the piggyback. They're too large to haul down the road so they come in two pieces. The little one I'm holding will go on top of the big one. We started at noon and finished at 2:30pm. Record time for us. Jeremy was on the roof with me while Glenn sorted the maze on the ground and hooked them up to the crane. Heidi brought pop and snacks and both Heidi and Molly came to take pictures for me. Holy cow, can you say "sore"!


  1. wow ... i am SO very impressed!!! you'll be dried in b4 long!

  2. I was very impressed with looks so much different with the trusses up...your on your way :}
    heidi belka

  3. Unbelieveable! It's beautiful! - Janelle

  4. have accomplished a lot inone days time. Just think, you might actually make your deadline yet.........and I sure am hoping that you win that free heating and cooling system! Be careful up there girlie!

  5. I am amazed at the progress and at the project you have undertaken. God bless your house and your home. Aunt Rita

  6. It makes my butthole pucker just seeing pictures of you standing up in the rafters. You're my hero :)

    So where's my room? ;P
