Sunday, December 20, 2009

Slow, slow, slow....

Slow going is the name of the game this past week. We had weather issues. We had generator issues. We had floor joist issues. None of which is completely resolved. Now we're looking ahead to holiday issues. I'm seriously considering removing the countdown clock as it about gives me a stroke every time I look at it.

The good news is, we've got reinforcements coming next week. Son Steve is on Winter break and can help and even brother Jeremy may be able to help out a couple days. Once we get the floor on, it will be smoother sailing, but until then we're slowly losing faith that we'll come even close to making our deadline.


At least someone's still smiling.


  1. He's just happy to be anywhere you guys are......besides what does he have to worry about? He's with people he loves and always has plenty to eat and enough things to keep him occupied!

    Perhaps you'll get more help and things will go faster for you, but you know you can always stay here if need be!

  2. Things will be better girl, with the holiday and the weather issues it will be slow sailing...but, if Jeremy can help, he will...the countdown clock...isn't being that nice to you, but things will happen....have faith in it....heidi

  3. Dude. You are so screwed.

    ;) - LOVE Y'ALL!
